Fishing Forecast Improving in Lake Erie

The Lake Erie fishing forecast has seen ups and downs in the past few decades. Algae blooms, over fishing, and climate change occasionally takes its toll on the number of perch, walleye, and other aquatic species. The future forecast for the coming year is optimistic though.
Concentrated Man Made Efforts May Improve the Water in the Great Lakes
Funding from the Regional Conservation Partnership Program and a reduction in runoff will improve water conditions and fish populations in Lake Erie.
The United States Department of Agriculture granted the Regional Conservation Partnership Program $17.5 million to protect and improve water quality. The program will teach and assist farmers in using practices that will keep nutrients and fertilizers on the fields and out of the water cycle. Other programs are in place to reduce runoff into the waterways from various sources, with the main goal of reducing phosphorus runoff as well.
Too much phosphorus in the water greatly increases the algae blooms and reduces oxygen and fish in the water. This is bad news for the environment, commercial fisherman, boat charters, and everyday people who simply want to enjoy recreation on the water.
The aggressive measures taken in 2015 will mean improved water in Lake Erie and greater fish populations for recreation and commercial fishers to pull from. An improved fishing forecast for the coming year will boost the economy of the lake side towns and Michigan in general with increased tourism and greater yields for the fish farms.
The lake is enjoyed year round by fishermen and boaters looking for a day of fun and sports on the water. Most locals are interested in doing whatever they can to keep the waterways safe and healthy for fish and humans alike. Avid fisherman and families who take advantage of year round boat docking Michigan have much to gain from improvement of the waters, as well as commercial fisheries.
The past few years may have seen high algae blooms and lower than normal fishing yields, but the future is brighter than the recent past.